Q: Does A & A have an eManifest software solution?
A: Yes, A & A Contract Customs Brokers has partnered with a recommended third-party eManifest provider to create its own web portal for carriers that will enable simple, efficient self-serve transmission of both ACI and ACE eManifests. View our portal at www.emanifest.aacb.com
Q: How is A & A's eManifest portal different from the one provided by CBSA?
A: Similar to CBSA's version, this is a self-serve system. However, A & A's portal will permit carriers to electronically transmit ACE information to Customs Border Protection, ACI eManifest information to Canada Border Services Agency and check PARS with unparalleled customer support and 24/7 assistance and transmission.
Q: I only want to transmit ACI eManifests, can I use one not the other?I only want to transmit ACI eManifests, can I use one not the other?
A: Yes, use this portal for ACI or ACE or both - this is your choice.
Q: What are some benefits of using this eManifest portal?
A: Yes, use this portal for ACI or ACE or both - this is your choice.
Q: Do I need to purchase software?
A: No, software purchase or installation is necessary. This is a monthly web-based service, with no contracts, billed based on usage.
Q: How do I access the 'portal'?
A: Simply go to www.emanifest.aacb.com.
Q: How quickly can I get set up?
A: Sign up in just a few minutes using the registration wizard. Ensure you choose one or more service (ACI transmission, ACE transmission, PARS, Fax service). You will receive an instant email confirmation and activation code.
For ACI - The portal will allow you to register directly with CBSA and will automatically generate ACI registration documents on your behalf. Once you submit these documents and CBSA approves your RNS and ACI application (generally one to two business days) you will be able to start using this portal.
For ACE - enabled right after activation
For PARS - enabled right after activation
Q: Will I need to transmit on my own or will A & A facilitate on my behalf?
A: A & A's eManifest portal is meant for self-serve use, therefore, you will be responsible for transmission. Although, we do offer preparer fax services to a limited number of carriers - see fee schedule. To express interest in this service check this option during online registration.